Friday, September 26, 2014

My Go-To Makeups

My Go-To Makeup are normally some mascara, light neutral eye shadow, filling in my eyebrows, lip liner and lipsticks. I try to take good care of my skin in order to lay off on foundation because I do often breakout from it. My skin type is Natural to Oily because when I oily, it only happens on my nose and forehead. I tend to wash my face a few times a day and make sure i keep cool air on my skin because hot heat will ( overtime ) melt your skin and that can cause wrinkles and saggy-ness. I wear very little makeup when I go out because I hate having to keep think " How does my face look?" In my opinion, no one in this world should HAVE to wear makeup. You should wear it because it is a want, not a need. So for me, the better you take care of your skin, the less makeup you'll feel that you would need to wear. I am obsessed with makeup. All of the fun eye shadows, Lipsticks, etc. I Shop for mostly Lipsticks and Mascara. My absolute Favorite !
Thanks For Reading!
xo- Meliissale

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