Wednesday, November 5, 2014

San Francisco

We drove from Nevada to San Francisco part of the 4 hours drive we saw nothing but mountains and trees. Something so different from Florida. It was so exciting driving onto the Golden Bridge because it was so huge and seeing so many people walking on the side, many were tourist but others were living their life style; Either it was socializing or exercising it was interesting to people watch while driving pass the bridge. I also forgot that the bridge was the color red, so the whole time I was looking for a "Gold" bridge. (lol) It was so hard looking for parking within Union Square and Chinatown.  Once We Finally Did walking around was fun because it was something so new and exploring was nice.  When I started walking around I didn't get lost I like how the streets were in Chinatown. I honestly felt like I walked into China, it was so fun seeing different things I don't usually see here. At Night time was so beautiful because of the lighting, seeing people still walking around and hearing people playing music on the streets was so alive! I honestly would want to move to San Fran one day or at least visit more often. 
I hope you enjoy my trip!
More on my youtube. [click here]
-xoxo Meliissale

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